Why a mission?

The gospel is the most beautiful thing in the world. I know it's all true, and this knowledge has given me all the wonderful things of this life. I can't wait to share this knowledge with others.

Friday, October 18, 2013

October 7th Update

Doesn't conference rock!? 

I love it so much. 

We had a pretty crazy week, for some pretty crazy stuff. But I guess that's kind of normal in the mission. 

I think one thing I loved most from conference is what type of role the Savior should have in your life. If you really are looking to feel his love, you will want to reflect who He is as you feel His love. You will able to give your heart to His cause because you already know that it's worth it. He will be your best friend. Someone you'll always feel the presence of in your life. 

I love the idea of what a family should be. It should be not only the most important social unit, but also the strongest. I love the focus of helping also those who have fallen away from the path to have the courage to come back. I love the advice to be meek, to be compassionate. To follow the two great commandments of loving God and loving others. You can't go wrong with that, now can ya? 

I love you all. I invite you to pick at least one thing you're going to change from what you've learned from conference. It's the best way to keep that peace that we feel in our heart. 

Take care!

Hermana Lovell

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