Why a mission?

The gospel is the most beautiful thing in the world. I know it's all true, and this knowledge has given me all the wonderful things of this life. I can't wait to share this knowledge with others.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

January 14th Update

I´ve been benched!

I´ve been in the house for a week. Because I broke my arm.

No, actually because I got an ingrown toenail, and that just took out a good piece of my nail. There are lamer things to be in the house for, right? Right??

Ha ha. But, it´s been a bit of a blessing. I´ve been reading all of the conference talks, and reading a looot of scriptures. It was time to get a little bit of a recharge, I guess! Also, Hermana Garcia has acute brochitus, so we kick it in the house together! I hope it´s not contagious. Right now I´m pretty sure I have just the regular cold. 

I don´t really have much time today, but I hope everything´s well with all of you. 

Sometimes, life seems pretty rough. But if we can just focus in the sunshine, and the good things, then we´re going to be 100% A Okay!

Love you all! I´m praying for you.

Hermana Lovell

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